Adding backgrounds to your blog: All backgrounds work best with the Minima template (this is found in your blog).
Copy the entire html code under the background that you have chosen. Log into your blog. Next go to customize then layout. Then click on edit HTML, this will take you to a large box with lots of funny codes. Scroll down to where you see this

margin:0;color:$textcolor;font:x-small Georgia Serif;font-size/**/:/small;font-size:/**/small;text-align:center;

Right after the part that says


Type in this part exactly. And in the ( ) paste in the code you copied from underneath the background you chose.

background-image:url(paste code here);background-position:center;background-repeat:no-repeat;background-attachment:fixed;

Make sure this part is still there.

margin:0;color:$textcolor;font:x-small Georgia Serif;font-size/**/:/small;font-size:/**/small;text-align:center;

So the entire thing should look like this but in black of course.

background:$color;background-image:url(paste code here);background-position:center;background-repeat:no-repeat;background-attachment:fixed;margin:0;color:$textcolor;font:x-small Georgia Serif;font-size/**/:/small;font-size:/**/small;text-align:center;

You can then preview your blog to make sure that it is right. Then click SAVE!